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  • Own Your Success Mentor Admin
    While ownership appears to be an intrinsic attribute, attitude or mindset, its impact on success can be quite complex. We work hard for our success. At the same time, while we are responsible for our outcomes, our outcomes are also dependent on others' responses & contribution. Therefore Ownership needs to be understood and cultivated carefully. Ownership becomes complex because of the need to Strike a balance between Internality & Externality. How much we attribute our success to ourselves and how much to others or luck needs training in our mindset. Building a mindset of inter-dependence instead of independence, counter dependence or dysfunctional dependence is essential for a peaceful living as well as success. Own your Success, in letter & spirit!
    7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Intermediate
    9 Ratings
  • Zen and the Art of Problem-Solving Mentor Admin
    All of us face problems regularly in our lives - personal, professional or social. We deal with our problems habitually. Some of us try to fix the problems and some work towards solving them. Building an approach to solving instead of fixing has a major impact on personal productivity. By learning a scientific approach to problem-solving and the associated success behaviours can enhance our efficacy & performance.
    7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Intermediate
    10 Ratings
  • Growth Mindset Mentor Admin
    Our attitudes determine our altitudes. One of the steadily emerging ideas in human success is the difference between fixed & growth mindsets. There seems to be a remarkable difference along six parameters between the two. However, the fortunate thing is that by using a structured approach & practice of success behaviours one can imbibe a Growth Mindset that manifests as acquiring new abilities, embracing challenges, using feedback constructively, using effort to mastery, persisting in the face of setbacks, and finding inspiration in others.
    7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Intermediate
    12 Ratings
  • Being Your Best Mentor Admin
    Personal productivity is a critical factor that influences organizational performance. Given the limited time and energy at our disposal, it is important to focus our energies on things that matter the most to us. Through Goal Aligned Task Design and optimisation of effort, we can maximise our Personal Productivity.
    7 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Intermediate
    12 Ratings